
Trelica SaaS Management Platform

Effortlessly manage your SaaS ecosystem with Trelica. Designed for IT Ops, Procurement, and InfoSec teams, our platform streamlines spend optimization, user engagement, operations, and security. Control licenses, track renewals, and automate SaaS management routines—all in one place. Welcome to smarter SaaS management.


Contol your SaaS spend

Track licenses and keep on top of renewals - Trelica SaaS Management Platform

Track licenses and keep on top of renewals

Keep license information in a single system of record that's shared with the line-of-business users responsible for your key apps. Pro-actively manage SaaS renewals with consolidated calendars and automated reminders.

Analyze your SaaS portfolio spend - Trelica SaaS Management Platform

Analyze your SaaS portfolio spend

Integrate with your finance system and automatically match transactions to apps in your Trelica inventory. Use flexible charting tools and dashboards to view actual versus projected expenditure to keep teams within budget.

Identify unmanaged spend - Trelica SaaS Management Platform

Identify unmanaged spend

Automatically scan expense data to identify spend on unsanctioned apps before they proliferate. Spot consolidation opportunities where multiple teams are paying for the same app.


Eliminate SaaS waste

Get user engagement insights - Trelica SaaS Management Platform

Get user engagement insights

Understand how often users are accessing your key apps and grade their engagement against expected usage. Integrate with apps for richer activity insights based on app-specific metrics (e.g. meetings held in Zoom or tasks closed in Asana).

Consolidate app usage - Trelica SaaS Management Platform

Consolidate app usage

Track shadow IT and adoption of unapproved apps that duplicate functionality available in approved tools. Consolidate usage into a smaller number of strategic apps so you can negotiate better license deals and streamline your training and support.


Engage your SaaS users

Gauge SaaS app user satisfaction - Trelica SaaS Management Platform

Gauge user satisfaction

Create and distribute satisfaction surveys so users can give their feedback on your strategic apps. Cultivate business / IT partnership and factor user insights into your technology planning.

Encourage use of approved apps - Trelica SaaS Management Platform

Encourage use of approved apps

Give users access to a searchable directory of your approved apps. Raising awareness of your strategic apps, and providing a clear route to gain access, is an effective way to reduce shadow IT and maximize return on your existing SaaS spend.

Survey of unused apps - Trelica SaaS Management Platform

Engage with 'rogue IT' users

Banning unapproved apps isn't always the best long term solution from a technical or business / IT relationship perspective. Use Trelica's shadow IT discovery and user engagement tools to understand user behaviour and even spot opportunities to bring new strategic apps into the business.


Automate your SaaS ops

Automate SaaS Management routines - Trelica SaaS Management Platform

Automate SaaS management routines

Define workflows to automate the management of your SaaS apps and users. Pick a template from our library or design your own workflows from scratch. Match your existing processes for user (de)provisioning, new app discovery, risky app access and more.

Automate employee onboarding - Trelica SaaS Management Platform

Streamline employee onboarding

Ensure new employees get access to the right tools with the appropriate roles. Integrate HR data to Trelica, identify joiners and automatically create a checklist of apps to provision according to their team. Minimize manual setup by using Trelica's out-of-the-box integrations to automate provisioning in apps with supporting APIs.

Employee Offboarding - Trelica SaaS Management Platform

Employee offboarding made easy

When someone leaves your organization, it's important to remove their access to your internal systems, as well as any apps and websites that they logged in to for work. You can use Trelica to manage the process of offboarding employees and contractors from your SaaS stack and to keep records for audit purposes.


Stay secure and compliant

Manage app user access risk - Trelica SaaS Management Platform

Manage app access risk

Get full visibility of the permissions your users are granting to third party apps. Trelica grades risk based on the breadth of the permissions granted, and includes tools to engage with users and revoke permissions.

Security attributes for SaaS apps

Access app security insights

Trelica automatically scans apps in your inventory so you can identify settings that don't meet your security criteria. As your policies change you can browse by setting to view the impact across your inventory and plan accordingly.

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